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SWIFT CSP compliance helps banks strengthen their cyber defenses.

Being a part of the SWIFT community means you must adhere to their strict Customer Security Controls Framework (CSCF). This ensures the global financial network has the proper safety measures in place to protect against outside threats.

As a Cyber Security Services Provider (CSSP), Vertex11 helps SWIFT banks achieve Customer Security Program (CSP) compliance throughout the United States, Mexico, Central America & Europe.

SWIFT CSP Solutions

Not sure what you need? We can show you the best path to SWIFT CSP success.

  • Our methodology and approach helps your financial institution to successfully meet SWIFT's CSP challenges. Our services include:

    • Design: Build your initial or enhance your recurring SWIFT compliance processes.
    • Risk Mitigation Planning: Develop a remediation strategy and a roadmap for implementation to address gaps in controls and processes.
    • Testing: Evaluate and implement best practices in your testing framework to provide streamlined compliance and support strategic initiatives such as continuous monitoring.
    • Implementation Support: Assist with implementation of your CSP compliance program.

    • Remediation Support: Assist with the design and implementation of remediation to control deficiencies.

    *While Vertex11 is prepared to assist you in connection with SWIFT's CSCF, please note that Vertex11 does not represent or speak for SWIFT. The CSCF is part of the contractual framework between SWIFT and its users.

  • Our experienced and SWIFT trained consultants efficiently conduct Independent CSP Assessments. Throughout the engagement, our team maintains clear and continuous communication with you so the final result is fair and without unexpected surprises. Our approach and methodology is comprised of 4 phases.

    • Phase 1 Planning: Gain an understanding of your SWIFT architecture and controls framework.
    • Phase 2 Quick Strike Testing: Perform an accelerated evaluation of your controls documentation to identify potential deficiencies early to provide you the opportunity to remediate with sufficient time for retesting.
    • Phase 3 Testing: Conduct a fair and extensive evaluation of your controls to assess compliance, maturity, and sustainability.
    • Phase 4 Compliance Report and Recommendations: Provide your Independent Assessment Report in addition to risk and controls insights to benefit your program.

    *While Vertex11 is prepared to assist you in connection with SWIFT's CSCF, please note that Vertex11 does not represent or speak for SWIFT. The CSCF is part of the contractual framework between SWIFT and its users.

Cybersecurity Case Studies & Resources

  • History Repeats Iteslf

    History repeats itself. Stop being surprised by breaches.

  • Fintech

    Equipping a small Fintech firm to punch above its weight and demonstrate compliance.

  • AWS Cloud

    Helping a highly regulated company quickly navigate and achieve cloud compliance with AWS.

  • 4 29 2021 third party risk 2 copy

    Putting the right resource in place to seamlessly step in for a firm's unexpected resignation.

What Do Our Clients Have To Say?

“Vertex11 delivers smart and nimble solutions that set us up for success. It’s no coincidence that a member of our team was promoted as a direct result of the engagement.”

Director of Business Continuity, Telecom Company

“Vertex11 is one of the best consulting shops in the security business, particularly in the regulated world.”

Risk Management Executive, Large Investment Bank

“18 minutes with Vertex11 saved me 2 hours of banging my head against the wall.”

Head of IT Risk Management, Financial Services Firm

“Direct access to security and GRC expertise really sets Vertex11 apart. You just don’t get this type of collaborative relationship with the big four companies.”

Business Continuity Manager, Telecom Company

“Vertex11 is helping us transition from start-up to eventual IPO by guiding us through the regulation and audit processes. They make it easy.”

VP of IT Ops, Energy Company

“Vertex11 didn’t just solve my challenge. They helped me think ahead and also avoid future issues. Choosing them was a great business decision. They’re now my go-to team.”

CISO, Financial Services Firm

“Given the early stage of our company, we didn’t have a very structured controls environment. Vertex11 helped us shore up our significant deficiencies and material weaknesses. Our board was very happy.”

Chief Accounting Officer, Energy Company

“Vertex11 provides the smart thinking and thought leadership that every company should leverage in the world of cybersecurity.”

Head of Security GRC, Top Ten Bank
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Rest assured, we protect the anonymity of any client that chooses to give a testimonial of their experience with Vertex11.

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