Security Is Not A Fence, A Cage, Or A Lock. Let’S Stop Thinking Of It This Way.
Today, many organizations still look at security through an antiquated lens when determining solutions for protecting valuable assets. This perspective is a big reason we constantly see breaches in the headlines. A paradigm shift needs to occur in organizations from the top down to achieve maximum protection and security for assets like data.
What Our Recent Survey Says About The State Of Enterprise Risk Management
Vertex11 was recently invited to speak to over sixty leaders of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) practices across the United States. At the conference we conducted a survey, which actually reinforced what we already knew. Before we dive into some of the results, it is important to mention this was a bit of an experiment on our part. An ERM survey was conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) in 2004, then again in 2008
What Game Is Your Organization Playing When It Comes To Risk And Control?
If compliance is the goal you could be setting your company up for failure. The secret to winning risk and control is first and foremost being sure you’re playing the right game against your adversaries. The fact of the matter is, when your moves are all about compliance, you’re playing “checkers.” But adversaries are not. It’s more important than ever to immediately up your game, and how easy it is for you to do so may surprise you.